lunes, 31 de enero de 2011



 Yo voy a chequear los blogs y darles un grado. Deben tener lo siguiente completado antes de clase miercoles:

1. "Mi Vida Visualizada"
2. "Libros, Libros, Libros"
3. Entrada Libre (Solamente Los Sénior)
4. Por Lo Menos Un Widget Que Tiene Que Ver Con El Estudio Del Español.
5. Tiene Que Tener Un Vinculo A La Pagina Principal De Rhs Spanish (La Pagina De Srta. W.)
6. Leen Los Blogs De Tus Compañeros Y Hagan Por Lo Menos 5 Comentarios.
7. Siguen A Los Amigos De La Clase Y La Página Principal De La Clase.
8. Cambien Su Página A Español.

Tambien se puede ver la pagina de tarea para repasar los requisitios. TAREA

Su nota se base en los requisitios mencionados arriba y en lo siguiente:
  • ¿Tienes todos los requisitos incorporados en tu entrada?
  • ¿Usas buena gramática y ortografía?
  • ¿Es tu información bien organizada e interesante?
  • ¿Has pensado en las reglas de blog?

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011


  • I will use only Spanish in my blog.
  • I will make an extra effort to make sure my Spanish entries are well written.
  • I will use my blog as an extension of the classroom
  • I will not reveal anyone else's identity in my comments or posts
  • I will not give out any information more personal than my first name or initials, or post pictures of myself.
  • I will not insult, bully or provoke others in my blog posts or in my comments.
  • I will use constructive/productive/purposeful criticism, supporting any idea, comment, or critique I have with evidence. I will not plagiarize, instead I will expand on others' ideas and give credit where it is due.
  • I will use language appropriate for school.
  • I will only post pieces that I am comfortable with  everyone seeing; other pieces I will keep as drafts.
  • I will not be afraid to express my ideas; any posts on controversial issues must be submitted to my teacher for consideration before they can be posted to my blog.
  • I will take blogging seriously, posting only things that are meaningful and taking my time when I write.
  • I will try to spell everything correctly.
  • I will not use my blog posts or comments as a chat room. (No IM language.)
  • I will be proactive in monitoring the comments that others leave on my blog, utilizing the comment blacklist if necessary.
  • I will personalize my blog and keep my writing authentic, while taking responsibility for anything blogged in my name.
  • I will only post photos which are school appropriate and either non-copyrighted or correctly cited.
  • I will only post comments on posts that I have fully read, rather than just skimmed.